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When I first visited Tokyo in 1990, I found it all a bit overwhelming.  For a start it is very big, 24 million people including the satellite cities.  The transport system was, and still is, mind boggling, though even then many of the signs were transliterated into Roman characters.  Now, just about every sign in Tokyo is in English and the trains have displays so you know where you are on which line and which door to get out of at the next station...but it is still big!

You can definitely have a lot of fun in Tokyo, from night clubs to temples, museums, art galleries or outdoor markets.  It is all there and up for grabs assuming you have a suitably big credit limit.  Free of charge, and therefore good value for money, are the bizarre Sunday afternoon goings on in Harajuku Broadway, where any aspiring musical or entertainment artist can make a fool of themselves in public.

Asakusa Chuo-ku Central Shibuya Imperial Palace
Kawasaki Shinjuku Science Museum Minato



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© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020