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Cedeira • Ortigueira • San Andres de Teixido • Valdoviño

Santiago | Camino Villages | Coast

Given her indoors' inclination towards living on the coast with a lovely sea view, the inevitable compromise for our dream retirement home is to find a perfect house with ocean views...

According to any number of property web sites, there are many picturesque and comfortable homes, perfectly situated right on the coast, many of them at quite reasonable prices.  We rented one for the wettest week in history and made occasional forays along the admittedly staggeringly beautiful coast.  Sadly the advertised ocean views were but fleeting, for although the view metaphorically stretched as far as New York, it literally extended little further than the bottom of the garden through the driving rain where the clouds meet the sea mists!

Now I have lived in both Norway and Scotland.  Norway is cold, wet and windy and Bergen, on the West Coast, is known as the rain capital of Norway, if not Europe.  In Glasgow I learned that rain often sprays upwards through window seals.  Here in Galicia, the rain falls vertically upwards, downwards and sideways all at the same time and the average rainfall is higher than Bergen.  It is wet, very wet.  It is almost as wet on the shore as it is in the ocean. 

Our friendly neighbours told us that it was a particularly bad week, but it was obvious from the damp leaking into every orifice of every building, the penetrating damp, the rising damp, and the impressive lichen, growing on every external wall, that it is very, very wet most of the time.  Her indoors is reconsidering her desire to live by the sea!

Cedeira Ortigueira San Andres de Teixido Valdoviño



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