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Opera House • Stazione SMN • Mercato Nuovo • Mercato Centrale • Uffizi • Ponte Vecchio

If ever a city could be judged as resting on its laurels, then this is most certainly the one.  Whilst some might argue that having given the world some of the finest examples of renaissance architecture in unbelievable numbers and quality, it can also be argued that, quite frankly they have not done a lot in the last five hundred years.  There is a quite staggering absence of any significant modern architecture with just a couple of notable exceptions shown here below. 

I guess you could argue that there is not a lot of space for anything else, but then if you look at Oxford they have managed to find space for an ongoing feast of architectural masterpieces right up to the present.

Ah well, Florence the living museum!

Also chucked in a couple of random older buildings which are neither palaces nor churches...

Opera House Stazione SMN Mercato Nuovo Mercato Centrale
Uffizi Ponte Vecchio    


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© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020