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Probably no more than a dozen or so significant cultural gems, but an otherwise rather lovely medieval hill town with stunning views over the surrounding landscape.  Sadly this is also what many writers, artists, thinkers and artistically minded layabouts over the centuries have also concluded.  As a result there are any number of cafes, bars, hotels and so on named after Robert Browning and other very important literary figures whose names are eminently forgettable yet grace the backs of chairs at the main bar on the piazza...including Hemmingway who seems to have acquired the status of Kilroy almost entirely on the basis that he is American.

A rather bizarre, even by Italian standards, parking scheme where you can only park (legally) in the town after you have parked (illegally) and acquired a parking ticket from the bar in the piazza.  On attempting to purchase mine I was advised not to bother as it was only an hour or so until the free parking period; obviously traffic wardens rarely visit.  I bought a cold beer instead...maybe that is the point of the system!

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© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020