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Santa Maria della Salute

Grand Canal | Dorsoduro | Giudecca | Lido di Venezia | San Giorgio Maggiore | San Marco
One of the extraordinary things about Venice is the infinite variety of vistas which open up at every turn; the contrast between the dark back alleys and quaint narrow canal and the dazzling brilliance of the sun-drenched lagoon.  And then of course the change from night to day and the unbelievable subtleties of the ever changing light as the sun goes down, changing colour, bathing San Giorgio and the Giudecca in a golden glow and finally darkening into the darkest imaginable blue...

Dorsoduro has two faces, one onto the lagoon and the other across the Grand Canal and thus a perfect spot to watch the sun setting on San Marco and San Giorgio at the same time, poetically framed by this rather provocative statue of a young boy, of particular interest to the endless Japanese girly tourists who just had to have their photo taken pointing at its diminutive willy, one at a time, then as a group, then as a different group...oh, and probably the entire paedophile population of Western Europe. 

There was a full time guard, vainly attempting to stop anyone actually touching it; I wonder how long it is there for and what the bill for the security will be, not to mention the therapy the poor guy will have to go through when he finally admits he has just spent the last month or so staring at a little boy's privates.

Lovely restaurants and surprisingly quiet once you get past the Academia; don't miss Santa Maria della Salute.


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© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020