Villa Capra

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Considered by many to be Palladio's masterpiece, the Villa Capra, also known as La Rotonda for obvious reasons...except it isn't really.  Perhaps mathematically perfect in its symmetry, but somewhat impractical with staircases crammed uncomfortably into left over corners and, whilst pleasantly breezy on a hot July afternoon, possibly a little less comfortable in winter.

Another of those stupid photography bans, reinforced by truculent security guards who insist you put your camera into a bag to make sure you really don't take pictures.  They even go so far as to warn of dire consequences should you dare to use images of any part of the building, or its surroundings.  It is a bit late chaps!  This is probably the most photographed Palladian Villa in existence.  Not only that, but Palladio himself published the drawings, so if you are desperate for a copy...


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© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020