Milan Centrale

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There are many who contend that architecture is inherently a manifestation of its sponsors' ideology.  I would like to think that it is possible to separate architectural taste from political inclination and I do, on occasion, rather enjoy a bit of fascist architecture.  I have no intention of entering into a debate around whether Mussolini did make the trains run on time, but he certainly made a statement of some kind with Milano Centrale.

Some amazing bits of art deco, Mannerism and various other styles come together in this eclectic fantasy, not surprising considering that the building was half finished before he got involved.  Rather quaintly it even has an SPQR motif, though I could not find any actual fasces, maybe removed after the war?

It remains wonderfully atmospheric and rather romantic as international railway stations so often are, though what it will be like after its €100 million makeover remains to be seen...slightly less filthy perhaps?

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© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020