Jampey Lhakgang

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Although I have now got to the stage of being extremely bored by Buddhist legend, there are still times when I come across stories so silly that they are slightly amusing.  One such is that King Songtsen Gampo in 659 AD decided to build 108 temples overnight simultaneously across Tibet and Bhutan in order to pin down some recalcitrant demoness.  This temple allegedly pins down her left knee, so be careful not to move it.

It is rather a tatty old edifice with flaking paintwork, rotting timbers and a very leaky roof.  Notwithstanding, its religious significance means that it is visited daily by dozens of locals who spend hours just circumambulating the outer walls, twirling their prayer wheels in their unending, futile quest for enlightenment...unless that enlightenment might be "what a waste of time this is".


All images and text are copyright.  If you wish to use any of this material contact the author: jeremy@nomadintent.com

© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020