Jakar Dzong

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Dramatically perched on a ridge above the town of Jakar, yet still thousands of feet below the towering Himalayas beyond.  Darkly sinister in the late afternoon light, almost prison-like within the inner courtyards, one for the monks the other for the government officials.  If you ever watch Lost Horizon, you may notice the musical white doves, wheeling romantically around the gleaming white monastery which is their paradisiacal prison; here it is a murder of crows, cawing threateningly in the fading light.

We saw the young monks practicing their dance moves and realised there was more to it than simply staggering around like a drunken Glaswegian in fancy dress.  Other less privileged members of their community were left to fetch and carry.  Having huffed and puffed my weary way up to the monastery from the valley below carrying little more than my rather heavy camera, I rather pitied the poor souls required to carry great rucksacks full of rice, propane cylinders and all the other basics of life.  Excellent defensive position, zero out of ten for logistic planning.

All images and text are copyright.  If you wish to use any of this material contact the author: jeremy@nomadintent.com

© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020