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Todai-ji | Horyu-ji | Kofuku-ji | Nara Park | Ukimido Pavilion | Isui-en | Yoshiki-en | Nara images
Although it does contain any number of flowers, it seems more like a highly sculpted, almost manicured landscape than a garden as we would understand it.  Considered by many to be the ultimate Japanese garden, it charges accordingly (650 yen), but obviously assumes you expect your money's worth, thus advising that you might manage a quick visit of little more than half an hour. 

As the entire place is only about a hundred metres long, you could probably do it in a couple of minutes, but then the point is to take in the perfection at a leisurely pace, preferably from the tea shop which overlooks the scene and is, ironically entered directly from the street without having to pay the admission fee at all.



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© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020