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Guadalupe | Las Hurdes | Monfrague | Plasencia | Talavera la Vieja | Trujillo
Trujillo still revels in its conquistador past.  Despite the historical revisionism regarding the Civil War, the obscenities of the conquista are still overlooked, condoned or even celebrated.  Francisco Pizarro would rate highly on any list of war criminals, but still he features proudly here in the centre of his hometown.  One of history's bestial thugs, an illiterate bastard (literally), destroyer of ancient civilisations...but then the Incas were hardly an enlightened civilisation, so perhaps divine justice after all. 

Politics aside, Trujillo is blessed with one of the most lovely Plaza Mayor in all of Spain, with arcades at interesting levels, the usual restaurants and quite overwhelming heat.  Unfortunately that was all I had time for on this occasion, so another excuse to revisit.

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© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020