Temple of Heaven

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Summer Palace | Temple of Heaven | Forbidden City | Street Scenes | Liulichang | Wanfujing

You could easily get a bit hung up on the symbolism of this place, whether it is the blue tiles representing heaven (how imaginative), the number 9 representing the emperor, squares representing earth, circles heaven...

On the other hand you could simply marvel at the amazing details, imposing structures or just wander around watching the locals playing cards, majong, chess, dancing around or flying kites, showing off their song birds, writing poetry (with an oversized brush) waving flags...

There is so much to see that it is well worth at least half a day, maybe a whole day if you have the time.  But most important of all, do not go on a guided tour as you will find yourself whisked past the interesting bits and shepherded around the "important", but somewhat tedious "cultural" bits.

Temple of Heaven Details People 2010 People 2000



All images and text are copyright.  If you wish to use any of this material contact the author: jeremy@nomadintent.com

© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020