Ryokuchi Koen Buildings

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Gassho Zukuri | Ryokuchi Koen Buildings | Ryokuchi Koen Park | Ryokuchi Koen Craft Museum
In addition to the Gassho Zukuri buildings shown on the previous page, there are numerous additional building styles represented in this open air museum.  Each is a response to its local climate and other functional demands, not just of aesthetics.  So in the example on the bottom row you can see straw matting placed directly onto the mud subfloor, not (just) because it was significantly cheaper than constructing a suspended floor of timber, but because it tended to be warmer and more draught free in winter.



All images and text are copyright.  If you wish to use any of this material contact the author: jeremy@nomadintent.com

© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020