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Umeå • Härjedalen • Norrbyskär • Norrbotten

The one thing that most people seem to remember about Sweden is the exceptionally high suicide rate, in common with other Scandinavian countries.  Many attribute this to the long dark winters, particularly in the North where the sun does not rise above the horizon for months on end.  Balanced against this are the wonderful endless summer days with remarkably large amounts of actual sunshine.  There is something about these seasonal extremes which make the Swedes rather nutty, but I am altogether unconvinced that SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is the stimulus for their suicidal tendencies rather than the absurdly high price of alcohol.

There is a theory, now being peddled by the UK nanny state, that if only alcohol were expensive and inaccessible enough, then our kids would stop binge drinking and alcoholism would disappear overnight.  More likely we would end up with Scandinavian suicide levels and a rather fat exchequer.

My advice is to go in summer and enjoy the sunshine, failing which go in winter but take plenty of booze!  The strange thing you will find is that the crisp, crunchy snow underfoot, complemented by the crystal clear moon and stars is actually rather beautiful and not at all suicide inducing, just rather difficult to photograph.  One amusing consequence of this dramatic diurnal variation is that the not insignificant Muslim immigrant community faces something of a challenge when Ramadan falls in the summer and they are faced with a rather prolonged fast.  Fortunately at least they don't have to worry about the cost of booze as well!


Umeå Härjedalen Norrbotten Norrbyskär

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