Matsumoto 1992

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Matsumoto 1992 | Matsumoto Art Museum | Matsumoto Performing Arts Centre | Matsumoto 2012 | Matsumoto Third Millennium Gate | Matsumoto Castle


I almost didn't bother to revisit Matsumoto as there remain so many other places I have yet to visit, but it seemed like a convenient overnight stop on my way into the mountains.  It turned out to be a really good choice for, in addition to a town which seemed to have become just generally more pleasant and interesting than I recalled, there are now some rather impressive new buildings, notable by their absence in the images below.

It is not that I do not have more images from the 1992 visit, just that back in those pre-digital days, they are all on Kodachrome so it will be some time before I get round to painstakingly scanning and sorting them.  Obviously the castle has not changed a great deal, apart from the seasonal cherry blossom here which is absent from the February 2012 pictures.



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© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020