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Cathedral • Street Scenes • Buildings • Details

Lund | Malmö | Öresund Bridge | Skåne

Lund is a reminder of Sweden's long history and glorious past, with gothic cathedral, ancient university and beautiful old houses and pubic buildings.  The cathedral is slightly confusing as, although it has parts from the eleventh century, it has suffered many additions and almost appears fake due to the relatively recent (19th century) facade and twin towers.  For centuries Lund was the religious capital of Scandinavia and the long wealth of the Swedish empire is apparent in the richness of the architecture.  Strange to think that "neutral" Sweden was once a regional superpower!

As a university city it unfortunately suffers from the ubiquitous "silent death on two wheels" brigade so, whilst you can step out from the pavement in front of any car with impunity, you had better keep an eagle eye out for sociopathic cyclists.

In addition to the museums and cathedral, you could do a lot worse than simply wandering around the cobbled streets of the old town, very romantic if a trifle chilly by street light!

The streets are immaculately clean and tidy as one would expect, but even for Sweden quite exceptional.


Cathedral Street scenes Buildings Details

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© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020