King Alfred's School

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Wantage Images | King Alfred's School | St Mary's Church
I will always have something of a soft spot for this building, partly because it is a lovely example of Butterfield's neo-Gothic polychromatic brick and stonework, but more so because I was privileged to gain my secondary education here, back when it was a boys only grammar school, prior to succumbing to the depravations of co-ed, comprehensive blight which struck immediately on my departure.  The PTA was sweet-talked with promises of greater choice so that, whilst I only had the choice of Latin, Greek, Spanish, Italian, French and German, the new system provided...French.  Now boasts of being a Sports Academy, whatever that means!

On the minus side, we did spend our days shivering in the unheated classrooms, staunchly defended by none other than Sir John Betjeman right up until their demolition to make way for the Brave New World.  At least we suffered for Art!




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© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020