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Henningsvaer Accomodation

Henningsvaer | Kabelvåg | Skrova | Svolvaer | Lyngvaer
Whilst some might successfully make the case for describing Stockholm as "Venice of the North", the imagery gets a little bit strained when applied to a tiny fishing village like Henningsvaer, boasting a population of "over 500".  It is quite devoid of any architectural masterpieces, stinking canals, coach loads of American tourists; it is a collection of modest houses, fisheries and hotels perched along the waterfront on a couple of islands, quite delightful, particularly when the sun is shining, but not by any stretch of the imagination, Venice.

It is approached along a narrow road and the inevitable curvy bridge, with stunning views across various inlets to picturesque fishing huts, houses and farm buildings with the most amazing range of blues you can imagine in the sea.

All images and text are copyright.  If you wish to use any of this material contact the author: jeremy@nomadintent.com

© Jeremy Harrison 2005-2020